20 CZK to KRW Exchange Rate

Current With Financial Conversion of 20 CZK to KRW. The present rate of currency exchange for CZK and KRW is at 58.7481 South Korean Won to every Czech Koruna.

20 CZK
1,174.96 KRW
58.74810 CZK
0.01702 CZK
Note: The exchange rate between 20 CZK and KRW should be used for informational purpose only, the actual rate may vary.
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Changes in the value of 20 Czech Koruna (CZK) in South Korean Won (KRW)

  • For the week (7 days)
  • For the month
Date Day of the week 20.00 CZK to KRW Changes Changes %
May-03, 2024Friday 20 CZK = 1,174.96 KRW 0.312 0.027 %
May-02, 2024Thursday 20 CZK = 1,174.65 KRW -0.884 -0.075 %
May-01, 2024Wednesday 20 CZK = 1,175.53 KRW 3.986 0.339 %
Apr-30, 2024Tuesday 20 CZK = 1,171.55 KRW -1.09 -0.093 %
Apr-29, 2024Monday 20 CZK = 1,172.64 KRW -9.074 -0.774 %
Apr-28, 2024Sunday 20 CZK = 1,181.71 KRW 0.0 0.0 %
Apr-27, 2024Saturday 20 CZK = 1,181.71 KRW 11.584 0.98 %
The value of 20 CZK in South Korean Won for the week (7 days) decreased by: decreased by: -6.75 KRW.