Flight distance from Spokane to Berkeley

1155 kilometers/717 miles
or 623 nautical miles.
Your flight will depart from Spokane airport and land at Berkeley airport.
City: Spokane (GEG) Berkeley ()
Latitude: 47.650092 37.8715926
Longitude: -117.44574 -122.272747
Country: United States United States
Timezone: America/Los_Angeles America/Los_Angeles
Current time:: 13:41 20-May-2024 13:41 20-May-2024

How far is between Spokane and Berkeley?

  • Your starting point Spokane, United States is located at 47.650092,-117.44574
  • Your ending point Berkeley, United States is located at 37.8715926,-122.272747
  • l distance from Spokane to Berkeley is 1155 kms equals to miles and 623 nautical miles.
Disclaimers: there may be NO flights or direct flights Spokane to Berkeley, so in that case, the information should be just considered as "distance-only" calculation Spokane to Berkeley.