Flight distance from San Diego to Jerusalem
12292 kilometers/7638 miles
or 6637 nautical miles.
Your flight will depart from San Diego airport and land at Jerusalem airport.
City: | San Diego (SAN) | Jerusalem () |
Latitude: | 32.790158 | 31.779018386012 |
Longitude: | -117.124682 | 35.2253007888794 |
Country: | United States | Israel |
Timezone: | America/Los_Angeles | Asia/Gaza |
Current time:: | 03:57 07-Feb-2025 | 03:57 07-Feb-2025 |
How far is between San Diego and Jerusalem?
- Your starting point San Diego, United States is located at 32.790158,-117.124682
- Your ending point Jerusalem, Israel is located at 31.779018386012,35.2253007888794
- l distance from San Diego to Jerusalem is 12292 kms equals to miles and 6637 nautical miles.
Disclaimers: there may be NO flights or direct flights San Diego to Jerusalem, so in that case, the information should be just considered as "distance-only" calculation San Diego to Jerusalem.
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