Flight distance from Birmingham to Kyrenia

3358 kilometers/2086 miles
or 1813 nautical miles.
Your flight will depart from Birmingham airport and land at Kyrenia airport.
City: Birmingham (BHX) Kyrenia ()
Latitude: 52.493651 35.3416667
Longitude: -1.894455 33.3166667
Country: United Kingdom Cyprus
Timezone: Europe/London Asia/Nicosia
Current time:: 00:31 05-May-2024 00:31 05-May-2024

How far is between Birmingham and Kyrenia?

  • Your starting point Birmingham, United Kingdom is located at 52.493651,-1.894455
  • Your ending point Kyrenia, Cyprus is located at 35.3416667,33.3166667
  • l distance from Birmingham to Kyrenia is 3358 kms equals to miles and 1813 nautical miles.
Disclaimers: there may be NO flights or direct flights Birmingham to Kyrenia, so in that case, the information should be just considered as "distance-only" calculation Birmingham to Kyrenia.