Convert 5 Milliliters to US Tablespoons

5 Milliliters (ml)
1 ml = 0.067628 us tbsp
0.33814 US Tablespoons (us tbsp)
1 us tbsp = 14.7868 ml

Data Volume converter

More information from the unit converter

Q: How many Milliliters in a US Tablespoon?

The answer is 14.7868 US Tablespoon

Q: How do you convert 5 Milliliter (ml) to US Tablespoon (us tbsp)?

5 Milliliter is equal to 0.33814 US Tablespoon. Formula to convert 5 ml to us tbsp is 5 / 14.7867648

Q: How many Milliliters in 5 US Tablespoons?

The answer is 73.9338 Milliliters