Convert Ounce per Gallon to Milligram / Liter - 1 oz/gal to mg/l

1 Ounce per Gallon(oz/gal) 1 oz/gal = 6,236 mg/l
6,236 Milligram / Liter (mg/l)
1 mg/l = 1.6e-04 oz/gal

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Q:How do you convert Ounce per Gallon to Milligram / Liter (oz/gal to mg/l)?

1 Ounce per Gallon is equal to 6,236 Milligram / Liter. Formula to convert 1 oz/gal to mg/l is 1 * 6236

Q:How many Ounce per Gallon in a Milligram / Liter?

The answer is 1.6e-04 Ounce per Gallon.