Flight distance from Moscow to Lyon

2534 kilometers/1574 miles
or 1368 nautical miles.
Your flight will depart from Moscow airport and land at Lyon airport.
City: Moscow (MOW) Lyon (LYS)
Latitude: 55.751667 45.766565
Longitude: 37.617778 4.836044
Country: Russia France
Timezone: Europe/Moscow Europe/Paris
Current time:: 10:27 20-May-2024 10:27 20-May-2024

How far is between Moscow and Lyon?

  • Your starting point Moscow, Russia is located at 55.751667,37.617778
  • Your ending point Lyon, France is located at 45.766565,4.836044
  • l distance from Moscow to Lyon is 2534 kms equals to miles and 1368 nautical miles.
  • Flight time from Moscow to Lyon is 50 hours 10 minutes
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