Flight distance from Boston to Yellowknife

3593 kilometers/2232 miles
or 1940 nautical miles.
Your flight will depart from Boston airport and land at Yellowknife airport.
City: Boston (BOS) Yellowknife (YZF)
Latitude: 42.354444 62.461567
Longitude: -71.027361 -114.389648
Country: United Kingdom Canada
Timezone: America/New_York America/Yellowknife
Current time:: 14:51 24-May-2024 14:51 24-May-2024

How far is between Boston and Yellowknife?

  • Your starting point Boston, United Kingdom is located at 42.354444,-71.027361
  • Your ending point Yellowknife, Canada is located at 62.461567,-114.389648
  • l distance from Boston to Yellowknife is 3593 kms equals to miles and 1940 nautical miles.
  • Flight time from Boston to Yellowknife is 26 hours 49 minutes
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